Thursday, October 21, 2010

Memory Loss

One of the frustrating things with Kevin’s RSD is his memory loss.  He can ask the same question over and over or tell the same story over and over.  That I can deal with, it is the forgetting to tell me something, or forgetting to do something that makes things frustrating for me.  There are so many doctor appointments to keep track of, so many doctor bills, and so much paperwork for his disability claims.  So many phone calls he receives that I am not privy to from doctors, lawyers, VFW, DHS.  I am on the sidelines with no clue at times what is going on in the game.  I want to help, but am frustrated I can’t.  I work all day and can’t sift through mounds of paperwork for him from my desk 15 miles from home.  I know he is at home struggling and I just want to help him. 

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